I am a huge fan of the site and use it to log my runs on a daily basis. The only issue I have is that on the forums you have a certain person who continually degrades and pokes fun at peoples hard work by making fun of their PRs, making fun of disabilities that some users deal with, and does nothing but bring down and degrade the usefulness of the forums/site in general.
Please Hoya, do something to stop this or Ill recommend that people go elsewhere to log their runs. Why would anybody want to be a part of or be subjected to that kind of behavior?
I really do like the site but the trolls are allowed to run wild and its really a blemish on what would otherwise be a helpful community.
Im sure you know who Im talking about when I say this certain person impersonates Galen Rupp.
Im just a concerned runner. Thank you for your consideration.
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